Exciting new fabric prints for The Book Seat !

Posted on July 31, 2013 by John Barber

Cindy has spent a great deal of time designing two exciting new fabric prints for The Book Seat.
The test prints have come back and we're all quite excited here at Book Seat HQ.
You can see the new design at one of the following trade fairs;

HOME and GIVING FAIR - Melbourne, Australia
Stand I37 - Melbourne Convention and Exhibition Centre
3rd to 7th August.

AUTUMN FAIR - Birmingham, UK
Hall 3V10 - NEC Birmingham
1st to 4th September.

MAISON & OBJET, Paris, France
Hall 6 K140, Paris Nord Villepinte
6th to 10th September. 
http://e-plan.safidomain.com and search for "Book Seat"

Here, Cindy is pictured examining a bolt of the new fabric.

For now, it's a secret, but you can have your own sneak preview of the exciting new Book Seat designs at the fair!

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